sexta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2013

MoYou London one more new collection

Hello Cuties!
And it's Friday, and MoYou London launched one more collection.
You should be thinking; "One more?! Jesus!"
This new collection it's The Mother Nature Collection.
This collection was created by the sugestion of  Joey Helland, a MoYou.Uk costumer. 
And I have to say that she had a great ideia!
Mu congrads to her for the ideia and to the designers who made designs!
Let's see the beauties?!

I must confese that in this new collection, their ain't one that I don't love!
MoYou.Uk, you did it again!
The brand associated a quote to this collection

"Every girl shoul use what Mother Nature gave her before Father Time takes it away."

By Laurence J.Peter

So what do you think about this quote?
An more importante... What do you think about this new collection?
Follow on the brand Facebook



1 comentário:

  1. Oláa Princesa! :D

    * Respondendo a:

    Oi fofa!
    Olha a Kiko têm loja online sim! só que pelo que ouvi os portes são caros.
    Eu comprava te se tivesse Kiko perto de mim... mas não tenho... ;(
    Quanto as placas da são todas lindas!
    Obrigada pela visita!


    * Obrigada Z, eu já fui ver, pois os portes sao caros sim, estás como eu, tambem nao tenho kiko perto de mim:(
    ontem descobri que há uma loja na minha cidade que vende Inocos, já experimentaste a marca querida?
    Sim as placas sao mesmo perfeitas, mas sao bem caras :/

